Amber Renae is a Personal Branding expert who educates and empower entrepreneurs and small business owners.

Wondering how to get that elusive WOW factor? 

Why do some brands stand out and others are totally forgettable?

Why do customers become raving fans of certain brands but not others?  

In todays digital landscape, we decide whether or not we'll do business with someone in the first 3 seconds. 

Before you've even spoken your first line, your ideal client has already decided whether they think you're trustworthy or credible.  

As a small business owner, consultant or entrepreneur, the single, most powerful thing you can do for your brand today, is to learn how to communicate your message in a way that builds that super important "know, like and trust" a way that ignites movements.

Do you…

+ Get nervous and tongue tied in front of an audience? 

+ Freeze up the minute the camera is pointed at you?

+ Hate the way you look/sound/act/feel on camera or in front of an audience?

+ Find it hard to gain the publicity and attention you know your business deserves?

You see, creating a powerful brand and then using free publicity to share that with the world, is the missing ingredient to your entrepreneurial success. 

Here's why...

As a society, we crave connections, and the best way for you to connect with your dream clients is by showing up in person, either at a live event or on video and letting them connect with you, the person behind the brand. 

When you do that, people get to know you better, and when they know more, they buy more.

So the key to increasing your bottom line, is in crafting a powerful and consistent brand message, ensuring that your online and offline brands align, and then using the Media to spread your message for you - for FREE!

But if you're like most of the Entrepreneurs I know, you totally suck on stage, you cringe on camera and you've never utilised the power of free press coverage to amplify your impact.

So how do you do this? Well, its something I've been doing for years!

I've worked on all sides of the media, as a Celebrity Stylist creating 'It Girls" and transforming Celebrities into household names, as a Fashion Editor for a National glossy magazine as well as a TV host for Fashion TV, where I've interviewed everyone who's anyone in the world of Fashion and Celebs.  

These things didn't come naturally to me, they've been trained into me. Here's the thing, I'm actually an introvert. Like a MASSIVE introvert. 

I've spent thousands of dollars on performance coaches and spent hundreds of hours both in front of and behind the lens, learning powerful communication techniques. 

PLUS I'm a qualified Civil Engineer, so I'm highly analytical, and I figured out the exact steps that you need to take in order to be able to replicate my results and in turn create your own PROFITABLE business. 

I've learned how to be a super polished publicity darling, that enlightens, empowers and entertains audiences on a global scale. 

And now, I'm sharing all of this with you. 

So what are you waiting for?

Here's what this class is going to do for you...


Discover your signature style, and use that knowledge to create a cohesive and courageous personal brand experience, that dream clients flock to


Gain performance confidence and learn how to shine on every Interview, TV Appearance, Keynote, Webinar, Livestream and Photoshoot


Learn the secrets the pro's use to write, rehearse and perform powerful speeches, give moving presentations and create video content that sparks a movement


Create star power and charisma like celebrities and business moguls, and get featured on your favourite media outlets


 Finally overcome that fear and self-doubt that's been holding you back, with knowledge you can trust


Gain visibility, create authority and become a recognised influencer within your niche

So what are you waiting for?! 

There's a message inside of you, that you know the world needs to hear! 

People follow leaders. 

Learn how to become one.

Join the live, online Masterclass now